Heat Pump Water HeatersDid you know that water heaters are usually the second biggest energy user in homes, right behind heating and cooling your house?
According to ENERGY STAR, heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) can save a household of 4 approximately $350 per year on their electric bills compared to a standard electric water heater and up to $3,750 over the HPWH’s lifetime. Larger families — that typically use more hot water — will save even more! In the USA, most HPWHs still use HFC-134a, a refrigerant with 1,300 the global warming impact of CO2 over 100 years. However, some products use CO2 or R32 as the refrigerant. Learn more about heat pump water heaters at the US Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star heat pump water heater website. |
For information on Energy Star qualified Sanden heat pump water heaters using CO2 climate friendly refrigerant, see: https://www.sandenwaterheater.com
For information on Energy Star qualified Sanden heat pump water heaters using CO2 climate friendly refrigerant, see: https://www.sandenwaterheater.com